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About Our Classes

Welcome schools, districts, and community centers! We hope to begin serving your community soon!

Pricing is Simple and Affordable

After-school courses 


Per Student

Per Hour

3-4 Hour,  4-5 Day Courses for Vacations and Summer Break


Per Student

7-8 Hour, 4-5 Day Courses for Vacations and Summer Break


Per Student

We also plan on selling our award-winning curriculum to schools and districts for a one-time flat fee soon. Email us if you are interested in purchasing our curriculum.

What sets us apart from the competition


Leaders in Education 
Ranked #1 in the USA for innovation by 
Our courses provide a uniquely engaging and effective learning experience loved by thousands of kids.


Families Love Our Courses
9 out of 10 families become repeat customers.
"Bella loved all of her sessions and we are so amazed at how much she has learned from her Architecture and Hollywood production classes! SGEDU helped Bella continuously develop her skills, improve her YouTube channel, and gave her confidence to join competitions! SGEDU programs are a fantastic value!"
Owen Vespa ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Family Testimonials


Unparalleled Academic Achievement
Our programs align with the principles of Bloom's Taxonomy and "Hidden Potential" by Adam Grant creating an academic environment that fosters ambition and higher-order thinking among students.
See Sample Work from our 2021
Kid's Project Competition
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Advanced EdTech Integration
Our students are given the opportunity to use all the latest or "coolest" technologies including virtual reality headsets, professional-grade video cameras, high-end expensive software including Final Cut Pro and Adobe, laser tag, access to a privately owned collaborative Minecraft server made for education, and more.
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Award-Winning Curriculum
Our curriculum is nationally recognized by NBC, CBS, The Los Angeles Tribune, Kidazzler, Startup Boston, and Boston University for cutting-edge lessons that prepare each generation for 21st-century careers.
See our most popular courses below!
Let's Partner Up!
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For Schools
Bring SGEDU to Your Community!
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Ranked #1 for Innovation in the USA by Kidazzler 3 years in a row!
2020-2022 Winner
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Contact Us



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